Did you know?
the best test for a great tomato is the aroma. If you smell a strong, sweet-acidic fragrance at the stem end, it's ready to eat
Did you know?
The flavor of carrots, squash and tomatoes can be enhanced by a dash of sugar
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To keep radishes fresh, cut off the leaves and root, wrap it with a damp towel and place it in a resealable plastic bag
Did you know?
Despite popular belief, the number of lobes on a bell pepper does not indicate gender or sweetness
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Tomatoes should be stored at room temperature
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You can get more juice out of any citrus fruit by microwaving it for 20 seconds
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Grapefruits got their name because they grow in grape-like clusters
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Florida ranks as the third highest honey producer in the United States
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Each snap bean pod contains between 4 and 6 snap beans
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The blue crab's scientific name - Callinectes sapidus - means "beautiful savory swimmer"
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There are more than 4,000 registered beekeepers in Florida
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Strawberries contain more vitamin C than oranges
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Sprinkling salt on your cutting board before chopping herbs will help keep them from sticking to your knife
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Don't wash your strawberries until you're ready to eat them
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If all the boxes of Florida tomatoes shipped in a crop year were laid end to end, they'd stretch from Pensacola to Beijing, round trip
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As a general rule, fish should be baked or broiled for 10 minutes per inch of thickness at 400-450 degrees Fahrenheit, turning the fish halfway through the cooking time
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Cabbage can keep several weeks when refrigerated
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February is National Grapefruit Month
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Florida is the top squash-producing state in the country
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Unlike any other nut, peanuts grow underground
Did you know?
the best test for a great tomato is the aroma. If you smell a strong, sweet-acidic fragrance at the stem end, it's ready to eat
Did you know?
The flavor of carrots, squash and tomatoes can be enhanced by a dash of sugar
Did you know?
To keep radishes fresh, cut off the leaves and root, wrap it with a damp towel and place it in a resealable plastic bag
Did you know?
Despite popular belief, the number of lobes on a bell pepper does not indicate gender or sweetness